Mechanical Engineering

HAN University of Applied Sciences
Miestas, šalis
Arnhem, Netherlands
Studijų trukmė
4 m.
Programos sritys
Mechanical Engineering
Studijų kaina
2530.00 EUR
Studijų kalba
English (ENG)
Programos pradžia
Stojimo pabaiga
Apie programą
Stojimo reikalavimai
Karjeros galimybės
How can we construct machines using less material? And how can we get these machines to run on renewable energy? And what about human-machine interaction? The future holds great challenges for mechanical engineers. Join us in this challenge and study mechanical engineering at HAN!

What do you learn?

This mechanical engineering degree covers 2 main fields. The 1st is construction engineering. Here you learn to design machines. Anything from huge cranes to the smallest micro-mechanical healthcare applications. The 2nd is energy systems engineering. This is about designing energy systems to reduce energy. You also learn about steering and control, cost efficient design and human-machine interfaces.

What can you do with Mechanical Engineering?

With this bachelor degree, you are a qualified mechanical engineer. Your skills will be in high demand in both the commercial and public sectors. Which industry you’ll work for? That depends on your interests. You could work in the process industry, food and agriculture, automation or sustainable energy, for example.

What can I expect?

Are you ready to dedicate yourself to a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering? At HAN that means studying for 4-years in full-time. Being trained to design and optimise machines. Having all your lectures in English and studying alongside classmates from all over the world. Working on mechanical engineering projects. Discovering the latest in constructional design and energy system design.

Reikalaujamas išsilavinimas
  • Pažymių išrašas - jei dar nesi baigęs mokyklos, būtina prisegti pažymių išrašą. Smulkesnę informaciją kaip pildyti išrašą ir kada jis reikalingas, rasi čia.
  • Brandos atestatas – jei jau esi baigęs mokyklą, išrašo nereikia, užtenka anketoje prisegti savo Brandos atestatą.



  • Motyvacinis laiškas yra NEprivalomas dokumentas stojant į šio universiteto programas.
  • Interviu - visi stojantys į bakalauro programas privalo sudalyvauti stojimo procedūroje, kurios metu bus vykdomas interviu. Šio interviu tikslas - išsiaiškinti ar pasirinkta programa atitinka tavo poreikius ir lūkesčius.
Anglų kalbos reikalavimai

Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:

  • turėti anglų kalbos pažymį Brandos atestate ir išlaikyti Anglų kalbos valstybinį egzaminą (egzamino rezultatas nėra svarbus, svarbiausia, kad jį išlaikytum)*


  • išlaikyti IELTS arba TOEFL testą.

*Jeigu nori pasitikrinti ar tavo anglų kalbos žinios yra pakankamos studijuoti Nyderlandų aukštosiose – suteikiame galimybę laikyti Oxford anglų kalbos testą. Nors anglų kalbos testas nėra reikalaujamas, patartina žinoti savo galimybes ir kalbos lygį.


Svarbūs reikalavimai

Having these subjects in your High School diploma is mandatory:

  • Physics
  • Mathematics

As a mechanical engineer, your skills are in high demand. The job opportunities for mechanical engineers are endless. Both regional and international companies need innovative, internationally-oriented engineers. You can choose from any number of fields.

Inkijkje in CNC-machine met studenten op achtergrond

Mechanical Engineering jobs

As a mechanical engineer, you can work in any number of branches. For example, in construction, automotive design, fine mechanical design, energy systems design, health care applications and automation for the food industry. Your task? To design and construct machines or energy systems. Or to improve and monitor these machines or energy systems. Some jobs you could pursue:

  • Constructional Engineer / Product Designer
    As a constructional engineer or product designer you design machines. Or you redesign them to reduce costs. How? Using 3D-CAD software, hand calculations and newly available techniques. You often work in a team with electrical and software engineers. You keep a close eye on customer requirements and specifications. And on the boundaries of law and regulations. 

  • Energy systems engineer
    As an energy systems engineer, you develop systems to monitor and regulate our energy use. In the built environment and in industrial applications. How? Using simulation, measurement and control. Nowadays energy systems are being renewed. And fossil fuels are being replaced by renewable energy. So the energy systems engineer has an important role to fulfil. 

  • Project leader
    As a project leader, you work on projects where you design or optimize mechanical systems. Usually you do this in a team of professionals from different disciplines. Your tasks? Planning the project, dealing with customers and monitoring the progress of the project. 

  • Production manager
    As a production manager, you manage production sites. You make sure that products are manufactured at the lowest cost. So, you need to have all the components ordered just-in-time at the right place for assembly. Quality checks are also essential for ensuring satisfied customers. 

The next step after graduating

So you’ve earned your bachelor in mechanical engineering. What’s next? Finding a job is quite easy in this field. Your contacts during your internship or graduation could be a good starting point. HAN’s alumni network is also a great way of connecting with international companies and research institutes.