Work and Organizational Psychology

Tilburg University
Miestas, šalis
Tilburg, Netherlands
Studijų trukmė
1 m.
Programos sritys
Studijų kaina
2530.00 EUR
Studijų kalba
English (ENG)
Programos pradžia
Stojimo pabaiga
Apie programą
Stojimo reikalavimai
Karjeros galimybės
Learn how to apply science-based solutions to human problems in work and organizational settings. In this Master's program, you will use business psychology to optimize employee performance, improve work processes and relationships, manage diversity, enhance fairness and equity in teams, and increase subjective well-being in organizations. Work and Organizational Psychology is a track of the MSc in Social Psychology.

Apply science-based solutions to human problems in work and organizational settings. Learn to optimize employee performance, improve processes and relationships, enhance fairness and equity in teams and increase well-being in organizations. With this program's strong practical orientation, you will gain practical as well as theoretical skills and knowledge.

Become an expert in the field of business psychology, who understands the psychological processes that shape human behavior and well-being on the work floor. Study the psychological aspects of work processes, organizations, and employee and diversity management. This program has a strong practical orientation by bringing professional expertise to the classroom.

  • Join our international classroom that offers small-sale interactive education.
  • Courses and supervision are done by a team of international, young, diverse, and enthusiastic researchers (ENOP, the European Network of Work and Organizational Psychology).
  • Develop your professional skills and gain practical experience by doing an internship (18 ECTS) in an organization of your choice, or by doing a Double Degree program in Cross-Cultural Economic Psychology with the University of Osnabruck, Germany.
  • The program focuses on the critical and valid application of theory in practice, with an emphasis on how business psychology and work and organizational psychology can be applied to improve employee and team performance.

Typical courses are:

  • Occupational Health Psychology
  • Personnel Psychology
  • Leadership and Organization
  • Work Group Psychology
Reikalaujamas išsilavinimas

Į magistro studijų programas gali stoti visi, baigę universitetą arba besimokantys paskutiniame kurse. Studijos kurias baigei ar tebesimokai turi būti panašios krypties kaip ir tos, į kurias nori stoti, kadangi priėmimas yra paremtas ECTS kreditų suderinamumu.

  • ECTS kreditų išrašas - jei dar nesi baigęs aukštosios mokyklos, būtina prisegti ECTS kreditų išrašą, kuriame būtų matyti, kokius dalykus Tu mokeisi bei kokius pažymius ir kiek kreditų už juos gavai. Kai siunti anketą paskutiniame kurse, diplomą reikia prisegti vėliau, kai tik jį gausi.
  • Bakalauro diplomas – jei jau esi baigęs aukštąją mokyklą, išrašo nereikia, užtenka prie anketos prisegti savo Bakalauro diplomą.


Anglų kalbos reikalavimai
  • TOEFL with a minimum score of 577 (paper-based) / 90 (internet-based). 

    • The TOEFL institutional code for Tilburg University is 9860.

    • Please note: we do not accept the TOEFL Institutional Testing Program (TOEFL ITP)

  • Academic IELTS score with a minimum of 6.5 score overall and a minimum score of 6.0 on individual parts of the test.

  • Cambridge Advanced English (CAE): grades A, B and C

  • Cambridge Proficiency in English (CPE): all grades

Svarbūs reikalavimai

To be accepted directly onto our Master's program in Work and Organization Psychology, you need to have the following academic background:

  • A Bachelor's/Master's degree in Psychology

    • It is not possible to be accepted onto this Master's program without having graduated with a Bachelor's or Master's program in Psychology. It is possible to apply with a joint degree in, for example, Psychology and Sociology, but not with a degree in, for example, Marketing and Communication, Economics, or Business Studies. No exceptions can be made.

    • You can apply for admission BEFORE you have graduated, but you must graduate by September 1, 2018 at the latest. If your graduation ceremony is after September 1, 2018, please contact our Admissions Officer, Ms. Liesbeth Bluekens, via before you apply to avoid disappointment.

  • Advanced knowledge in research methods and statistics, specifically quantitative research.

  • Knowledge of relevant subjects in the field of Social Psychology, Economic Psychology or Work and Organizational Psychology.

  • Experience with first-hand empirical research (i.e. collecting, analyzing and reporting quantitative data).

Please note: you cannot be accepted onto this Master’s program without having either a Bachelor or Master's degree in Psychology. Unfortunately, work experience or an interest in social psychology or in work or economic psychology cannot be taken into account for the admission process without a sufficient academic background in psychology.

Kiti reikalavimai

TSB Statistics checklist

Career prospects

The Master's program in Work and Organizational Psychology prepares you for both academic and practical career. After graduation, you will have the knowledge and skills needed to get started in functions in the fields of work and organizational psychology, human resources, marketing, financial services, policy, consulting or research.

Organizations where our graduates ended up include Deloitte, Rabobank, Arbo Unie, Schouten & Nelissen, Research Universities and Schools of Applied Sciences, various HR organizations and coaching / career counseling agencies.

Graduates started or work for example as:

  • Human Resource Manager at KPN

  • Staff Consultant at Universiteit Utrecht

  • Research Advisor at Driessen HRM

Alumni facts

  • Average number of months until first paid job: 4

  • Finds a job within 6 months after graduation: 65%

  • Gross monthly income of graduates in the first year after graduation: €2.048

Source: National Alumni Survey, 2016 | n = 20