Special Educational Needs and Disability

Anglia Ruskin University
Miestas, šalis
Chelmsford, England
Studijų trukmė
1 m.
Programos sritys
Special Education, Health Sciences
Studijų kaina
8000.00 GBP
Studijų kalba
English (ENG)
Programos pradžia
Žiemos stojimas
Stojimo pabaiga
Žiemos stojimas
Apie programą
Stojimo reikalavimai
Karjeros galimybės

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are becoming increasingly complex. Our course will equip you with the knowledge, skills and understanding to improve provision and engage constructively and confidently with professionals and families of children and young people with SEND, 0-25 years.

Studying with colleagues and experts from various professional disciplines, you’ll work closely with those who recognise the importance of ensuring quality of life and fulfilment of families’ aspirations for children and young people with SEND.

From exploring professionals’ duties and procedures within the wider societal and familial context, to the enhancement of intervention, communication and inter-personal skills, our course aims to strengthen and enrich your professional repertoire, and tackle the assumptions that it’s clear how to collaborate and maximise one another’s skills.

We believe that the full participation and empowerment of all stakeholders is key in shaping the direction of the lives of children and young people with SEND. Alongside gaining insights and a deeper understanding of perspectives and frameworks, you’ll work with verbal and non-verbal strategies to support collaboration and the intervention process for children and young people with SEND.

Reikalaujamas išsilavinimas

Į magistro studijų programas gali stoti visi, baigę universitetą arba besimokantys paskutiniame kurse. Studijos kurias baigei ar tebesimokai turi būti panašios krypties kaip ir tos, į kurias nori stoti, kadangi priėmimas yra paremtas ECTS kreditų suderinamumu.

  • ECTS kreditų išrašas - jei dar nesi baigęs aukštosios mokyklos, būtina prisegti ECTS kreditų išrašą, kuriame būtų matyti, kokius dalykus Tu mokeisi bei kokius pažymius ir kiek kreditų už juos gavai. Kai siunti anketą paskutiniame kurse, diplomą reikia prisegti vėliau, kai tik jį gausi.

  • Bakalauro diplomas – jei jau esi baigęs aukštąją mokyklą, išrašo nereikia, užtenka prie anketos prisegti savo Bakalauro diplomą.

Anglų kalbos reikalavimai

Svarbu, jog anglų kalbos testo rezultatai universitetą pasiektų iki Liepos 31d.

Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:

  • IELTS - 6.5

  • TOEFL - 90

Although our course is primarily aimed at those working with children and young people with SEND, it also addresses the urgent need to strengthen collaborative working. For newly-qualified professionals, our Masters degree will enhance your employability as a potential specialist for children with SEND and their families.

Where you go with our course is entirely up to you. SENCOs may wish to enhance their training and so gain a higher degree; likewise, other serving teachers and allied professionals could use it for personal and professional career advancement or perhaps a move to a related field. If you’re an international student, you may wish to use our approaches to strengthen and influence policy and provision within your home country, or possibly develop new structures and career opportunities.