International Hospitality and Tourism Management

Anglia Ruskin University
Miestas, šalis
Cambridge, England
Studijų trukmė
1 m.
Programos sritys
Hospitality Management, Tourism & Leisure
Studijų kaina
8000.00 GBP
Studijų kalba
English (ENG)
Programos pradžia
Stojimo pabaiga
Apie programą
Stojimo reikalavimai
Karjeros galimybės

Hospitality and tourism is an exciting and demanding international industry where you need specialist skills and knowledge to succeed. If you see yourself as a future leader, our specialist management course will give you the tools to achieve your goals. It includes a field trip and hands-on work placements.

We’ve developed our Masters course to make sure you develop highly relevant skills that you can apply in the widest range of settings.

Some of the most important skills you’ll need to succeed in hospitality and tourism are ‘soft skills’ such as customer handling, team work, problem-solving and oral communication skills. Our course will help you to develop all of these and more. There’s a focus on management skills which will position you well for higher-level roles in hotels, tourism and hospitality management.

As well as hospitality and tourism, we’ll draw on knowledge from the fields of general business studies and marketing, placing great emphasis on the practical application of concepts so that you can be sure you’re developing ‘real’ skills as well as theoretical understanding. Studying in Cambridge, a renowned tourist destination, you’ll be able to hone your natural abilities and prepare yourself for the next stage of your career.
Reikalaujamas išsilavinimas

Į magistro studijų programas gali stoti visi, baigę universitetą arba besimokantys paskutiniame kurse. Studijos kurias baigei ar tebesimokai turi būti panašios krypties kaip ir tos, į kurias nori stoti, kadangi priėmimas yra paremtas ECTS kreditų suderinamumu.

  • ECTS kreditų išrašas - jei dar nesi baigęs aukštosios mokyklos, būtina prisegti ECTS kreditų išrašą, kuriame būtų matyti, kokius dalykus Tu mokeisi bei kokius pažymius ir kiek kreditų už juos gavai. Kai siunti anketą paskutiniame kurse, diplomą reikia prisegti vėliau, kai tik jį gausi.

  • Bakalauro diplomas – jei jau esi baigęs aukštąją mokyklą, išrašo nereikia, užtenka prie anketos prisegti savo Bakalauro diplomą.

Anglų kalbos reikalavimai

Svarbu, jog anglų kalbos testo rezultatai universitetą pasiektų iki Liepos 31d.

Anglų kalbos žinias gali patvirtinti vienu iš šių būdų:

  • IELTS - 6.5

  • TOEFL - 90

Our course is designed to make sure that you graduate with expert subject knowledge - but also with skills that are in demand by the international hospitality industry. These include soft skills such as customer handling, team working, communication and problem solving, as well as technical, practical or job-specific skills.